User Manual

PowerBox-Systems − World Leaders in RC Power Supply Systems
5.2 Receiver
All PBR receivers (except the PBR-8E) can be updated from the transmitter, provided that they are already bound to it. For this to
work you must first switch on the model, i.e. the bound receiver. Now navigate to the System -> Software -> Check menu.
Briefly press Update for one of the bound receivers. The following screen displays the software version which is currently in the
transmitter’s memory. Select the latest version, and wait until the update is complete. If multiple receivers are bound to the trans-
mitter, repeat the procedure with each one.
Don’t hold the transmitter too close to the receiver, as transmission is very poor at a range of less than 50 cm. The
transmitter and receiver are designed to operate at long range, and at very close range the input amplifiers may be
overloaded. At a range of 1m to 9km the update process functions without any delay!
Important: if a radio update - for whatever reason - should fail, that is not a problem. Right at the bottom of the Update menu
you will find the Restore Firmware button. Disconnect all other bound receivers from their power supply, and re-connect the
receiver which you wish to update. Now press Restore Firmware.
The Update procedure itself is the same like a regular