User's Manual

Browse and access Gateway from internet
Anywhere and anytime, user can browse energy consumption of the connected
appliances and control power on/off from internet.
In order for user to browse and access Gateway from internet, the following
requirements are needed
Fix public IP address provided by internet service provider (ISP)
Router with Network Address Translation (NAT) service
User will first be required to obtain a fix IP address provided by internet service
provider, then enable and setup the network address translation (NAT) service in the
router. Please refer to the Network Address Translation (NAT) instruction in your
router manual.
Once the NAT service is enable and setup, user can access the gateway (M9PG01)
anywhere from internet by opening IE web browser and key in the fix public IP
address provided by your internet service provider. The NAT service of the router will
redirect your access request to the corresponding gateway (M9PG01).