Quick Start Guide

Product storage
1. Wash the product with clean water and wipe it clean and dry after each use.
2. Keep the product away from direct sunlight, sources of ignition, heating furnaces, and other high-
temperature environments.
3. Store the product in a dry environment with the temperature ranging from 0°C to 20°C.
4. Charge the battery level to 50%~60% if you do not use the device for a long time. In addition,
charge and discharge it every two months to activate it so as to maintain the battery stability.
Legitimate use
Do not sail in the following waters unless you have obtained prior permission:
1. Waters which require prior permission to sail
2. Waters near power stations
3. Waters where military equipment resides
4. Waters where an oil eld or a oating drilling platform resides
5. Waters where a water vehicle course resides
6. Port waters
7. Waters where water vehicles reside
Firmware upgrade
1. Upgrade the rmware to the latest version to ensure sailing safety.
2. A prompt will be displayed when the App detects a new rmware version. Follow the instructions to
upgrade if any.
3. Ensure that the device battery level is adequate for the upgrade.
4. Do not power off the device during the upgrade.
5. Restart the device after the upgrade is completed.