User's Manual

Fiber Optics Powerwave
3 - 4 Rev. P1A9-Draft 2004-11 VM100 56/EN – User’s Manual
R2R Communication
This section describes how to use the FON unit in R2R networks. The R2R network
itself, its configuration, and R2R statistics are further described in the VM100 01/EN,
OM-Online, User’s Manual.
The R2R (Repeater to Repeater) network is an old Powerwave specific WLI network
with SLW protocol and wire interconnection (W-net).
WLI stands for Wire Link Interface, W-net for Wire network.
SLW (Sliding Window) is an Powerwave specific protocol developed for the R2R
The IP network can be used in fiber networks as well as in wire networks. However, the
IP wire network and the R2R wire network have different protocols and can, for this
reason, not communicate with each other.
R2R network characteristics
The R2R uses a twisted pair or RS-485 bi-directional bus with a master unit and slave
units. The bus is connected to the FON boards via the WLI ports, see the Connection
Ports section on page 3-10.
An example of an R2R network with four FON nodes is shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3. R2R network with four FON nodes
Gateway The R2R network can contain maximum 12 nodes. One or several of these nodes can be
gateway nodes, that is to be able to communicate remotely with an O&M software via
modem. A description of the FON unit as gateway is found in the Gateway Node section
on page 3-5.
The R2R network in Figure 3-3 contains two gateway nodes (connected to the PSTN).
Control station All nodes in an R2R network can, and should, be configured with Control Station
Capability enabled, which means that they can be the master unit if the current master
unit ceases to work.