User's Manual

Preface Fiber Optics Powerwave
vi Rev. P1A9-Draft 2004-11 VM100 56/EN – User’s Manual
LinDAS Light Indoor Distributed Antenna System.
LNA Low Noise Amplifier (unit).
MACID Physical address to RIA or CU board (comparable with Ethernet card MACID).
MRX Measurement Receiver (board).
MS Mobile Station.
MSC Mobile Switching Center.
NAPT Network Address and Port Translation.
NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone (system).
NS Name Server.
OCM Optical Converter Module.
OM-Online Operation and Maintenance Online.
OMS Operation and Maintenance System.
OMT16 Operation and Maintenance Terminal (replaced with OMT32).
OMT32 Operation and Maintenance Terminal (replaced with OM-Online).
OSP Optical Splitter.
PA Power Amplifier (board).
PEP Peak Envelope Power.
PCN Personal Communication Network (same as DCS).
PCS Personal Communication System.
PPP Point to Point Protocol.
PSM Power Supply Module.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.
PSU Power Supply Unit.
PTFE Polytetrafluoro Ethylene (Teflon).
R2R Repeater to Repeater (Powerwave specific network).
R2R net R2R network.
RAS Remote Access Service.
RCC Remote Communication Control (unit).
RCM RF Combiner Module.
RCU Remote Control Unit.
RF Radio Frequency.
RH Remote Hub.
RIA Repeater Interface Adapter (board).
RMS Root Mean Square.
RMU Repeater Master Unit.
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication.
RTC Real Time Clock.
RX Receiver
SLW Sliding Window (Powerwave specific protocol).
SW Software
TACS Total Access Communication System.
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access.
TX Transmitter
UDP User Datagram Protocol.
UL Uplink (signal direction from mobile station via repeater to base station).
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.
VAC Voltage Alternating Current.
VDC Voltage Direct Current.
WAN Wide Area Network.
WBA Wideband Amplifier (board).
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access.
WCS Wideband Coverage System.
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexer.
WLI Wire Link Interface.
W-link Wire link.
W-net Wire network.
WRH Wideband Radio Head.