
Table Of Contents
Main Features
Frequency Hz 50
Voltage V 230
Power factor cos ϕ 1
Phase and connection 1
Power Rating
Standby power LTP kVA `18.00
Standby power LTP kW 18.00
Prime power PRP kVA 16.00
Prime power PRP kW 16.00
Ratings definition (According to standard ISO8528 1:2005)
PRP - Prime Power:
It is defined as being the maximum power which a generating set is capable of delivering continuously
whilst supplying a variable electrical load when operated for an unlimited number of hours per year under
the agreed operating conditions with the maintenance intervals and procedures being carried out as
prescribed by the manufacturer. The permissible average power output over 24 h of operation shall not
exceed 70 % of the prime power.
LTP - Limited-Time running Power:
It is defined as the maximum power available, under the agreed operating conditions, for which the
generating set is capable of delivering for up to 500 h of operation per year (whose no more than 300 for
continuative use) with the maintenance intervals and procedures being carried out as prescribed by the
manufacturers. No overload capability is available.

Summary of content (7 pages)