Configuration Guide

The$ model$ 2WIRE-AS3,$ 2$ Wire$ Auto$ Start$ generator$ controller$ is$ ready$ to$ use$ with$ your$ P$ and$ S$ series$ PRAMAC$ P ortable$
Generators$ t hat$are$f itte d$with$the$C ONN$r emote $c o ntrol$ con nector$plug.$This$will$enable$you$to$use$your$Pramac$Generator$in$
various$applications$like$Standalone$Sol a r$a nd$ Sta n dby$Emergen cy$Power$with$an$ATS$(auto$transfer$switch).$
The$ 2WIRE-AS-3$controller$is$a$ basic$2$ wire$auto$ s tart$accessory$that$manages$the$start/stop$of$the$generator$ from$a$closed$
circuit$open/closed$ contact$ from$a$third$ party$control$system$ like$a$solar$inverter$or$ A TS$transfer$switch.$It$ also$ m anages$ the$
basic$generator$running$&$pr otection$to$e nsure$easy$operation.$T he$package$is$supplied$with$a$basic$12V$battery$charger$for$
trickle$charging$of$th e$generator$batte ry$during$standby$mod e $w a i ting$f or$a$s tart$signal.$Cu stomers $c a n$use$their$ow n$battery$
PRAMAC$ Generators$ supplied$
with$the$2WIRE-AS3$can$start$automatically$at$anytime.$Fo r$s afe$operation$we $ad v i se$
the$generator$is$clearly$labelled$advising$ that,$“G e nerator'may'start'at'a ny time'without'warning”.$ Turn$ the$key$off$ prior$ to$
refuelling,$ maintenance$ or$ storage.$ Also$ ensure$ that$ the$ generator$ is$ installed$ in$ a$ wel l-ventilated$ area,$ ensuring$exhaust$
The$ 2WIRE-AS-3$ comes$ pre-wired,$ making$ it$ ready$ to$ plug$ into$ your$ PRAMAC$ Generator.$ The$ control$ plug$ will$ connect$
directly$ into$ the$ P ramac$ CO NN$ Remote$ Co ntrol$ conne ctor$ plug$ on$ the$ P$ & $ S$ series$ Portable$ Generators.$ It$ also$ comes$
standard$with$a$3$pin$domestic$plug$top$ that$is$pl ugged$ into$your$generator$output$socket$or$hardwired$into$the$generator,$
giving$the$controller$the$required$ generator$voltage$ feedback$(NO TE;$ must$be$installed$for$controller$ to$operate$correctly).$ I f$
the$ 230$ volt$ feedb a ck$ wi re$ is$ r equired$ to$ be$ hard$ wired, $ ju st$ cu t$ t he$ plug$ off$ and$ hard$ wire $ i t $ to$ a $ sui tab ly$ protec ted$
generator$output$circuit.$ The$2WI RE -AS3$can$also$ start$the$ generator$off$a$12$volt$DC$ signal,$you$ just$have$ to$move$the$flex$
into$ the$ Auto$ 12v$ terminals$ inside$ the$ controller$ enclosure.$ Due$ to$ there$ being$ a$ s mall$ load$ on$ the$ battery$ w hen $ the$
controller$ is$in$A UTO$mo d e ,$a$b atte ry$c harg er$is$a lso$pro vided $to$keep$your$battery$ i n$ a$fully$ charged$state.$ Just$connect$ the $
supplied$ battery$ charger$ directly$ to$ the$ battery$ terminals$ using$ suitable$ electrical$ connector s.$You$can$ also$use$ a$ suitable$
To$ ope rate$ you r$ 2WIRE-AS3$ controller,$simply$connect$ as$above$ and$turn$ the$ g enerator$key$ to$the$ ‘ON’$position.$The$ LC D$
screen$on$the$controller$will$power$up,$allowing$ you$ to$either$ manual$start/stop$the$generator$ or$activate$AUTO$mode.$To$
manual ly$ start$ the$ generator$ you$ can$ e ither$ use$ the$ key $ o n $ t he$ set,$ or$ simply$ press$ the$ GREEN$ start$ button$ .$ This$will$
initiate$ the$ start$ sequence$ of$ the$controller,$ with$ a$small$delay$before$ the$ generator$ starts$ to$turn$ over.$ If$there$are$ any$
problems, $ and$ the$ generator$ fails$ to$ start,$ an$ error$ code$wi ll$ appear$ on$ the$ LCD$ panel.$ Your $ generator$ has$ been$ factory$
checked$ &$tested,$but$if$you $h av e $a ny $p r o blems,$i t$is$ recommended$to$do$the$initial$star t$up$ using$the$key$start.$T o$stop$the $
generator,$press$the$RED$Stop$button$ .$This$ will$ initiate$the$ stop$sequence,$ but$the$generator$will$not$shut$down$straight$
away$due$to$3 0$second$cool$down$cycle.$
Choke:$The$system$automa tically$engages$the$choke$during$the$starting$cycle$which$works$for$the$PET ROL$models.$
To$set$the$co ntrolle r$to$start$from$the$2$wire$or$12$volt$signal$automatically,$s imply$press $the$m iddle$AUTO$button$ .$The$
LED$indicator$above$the$ AUTO$button$will$illuminate$showing$you$that$it$is$in$AUTO$mode$ .$As$ noted$ above,$pleas e$ make$
sure$that$you$have$a$12$volt$battery$charger$source$connected$in$to$offset$the$small$load$on$ the$battery$ w hile$in$Auto$mode.$
Once$the$ controller$ has$received$the$start$ signal$ there$is$ a$short$delay$ while$the$controller$goes$through$ its$start$sequence.$
keep$the$g enerator$running$until$the$stop$signal$is$received.$Once$the$2$wire$or$12$volt$run$signal$is$remov ed$the$generator$
will$go$ into$the$stop$m ode,$with$a$30$second$cool$down$delay$meaning$the$generator$will$not$stop$straight$away.$

Summary of content (2 pages)