User Manual- AudioBox USB 96

2 Hook-up
2.3 Connection Diagram
AudioBox USB®96
Owners Manual
MIDI I/O. MIDI stands for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI inputs
and outputs allow connection to, and communication with, external MIDI
equipment. One function of these ports is MIDI sequencing but the MIDI
protocol can be used for much more than instruments and sequencing.
Power User Tip: MIDI is not audio but is frequently used to trigger or control an
audio source (such as a plug-in or synthesizer). It’s important to ensure that your
MIDI data is correctly sent and received by the appropriate hardware or software
devices. If the devices generate audio, you may also need to return the audio to an
AudioBox USB96 input channel. Please consult the User Manuals of your MIDI
devices for help with MIDI setup and usage.
USB Port. This is where you connect the USB cable from your AudioBox USB96 to
your computer. The AudioBox USB96 is bus-powered via this connection and does
not require an external power supply. Your AudioBox USB is compatible with both
USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports.
2.3 Connection Diagram