User's Manual

3 Application Guide
3.1 Monitor Placement and Acoustic Space Settings
Eris XT-Series E5 XT / E7 XT / E8 XT
Owners Manual
If possible, your mix position should be placed on the center of a wall as
this will provide a more balanced listening position. Place your speakers so
that they are the same distance from the sides of the room. That is, if your
left speaker is six feet from the wall to the left and two feet from the wall
behind, your right speaker should be six feet from the wall to the right and
two feet from the wall behind. By centering your mix position, your monitor
system will provide more reliable low-frequency intelligibility. In a rectangular
room, it is best to set up along one of the long walls, especially in a smaller
room. This will minimize problems caused by side wall reflections.
Just like it’s not a good idea to set up your mix position in a corner, its not a
good idea to create a corner with your mix position. Make sure the distance
from the speaker to the wall behind it is different than the distance from
the side wall closest to it. For example, if your left speaker is one foot from
the wall to its left, it shouldn’t also be one foot from the wall behind it.
The Eris XTs focused EBM waveguide design ensures wider horizontal
coverage with a tight vertical dispersion that helps to limit early
reflections from your desk or console. Unlike other Eris monitors that
can be placed horizontally or vertically, this design requires that the
Eris XT monitors always be placed in their vertical orientation.
60˚ 60˚
Whenever people talk about listening to speaker systems, they
talk about the “sweet spot. As mentioned earlier, this is the middle
position between the two sides of a stereo system, where the speakers
overlap, and it is where the stereo image will be the best.