User's Manual

Table Of Contents
4 Presets, Fat Channel, and Voice Effects
4.3 Reverb
Owners Manual
The Reverb in Revelator is independent of your presets, so you
can use the same Reverb setting on any preset you like.
To adjust the amount of Reverb you hear in your mix, raise or lower the Reverb
Fader in the mixer. See Section 5.2.2 for more information on your Revelator mixer.
1. Preset. Choose between Small, Medium, and Large. These presets emulate
room size. In general, the bigger the room size, the more reverberant it will be.
2. Size. This setting adjusts the length of each reflected
sound as well as how often you hear them.
3. HPF (High Pass Filter). Like the High Pass Filter in Fat Channel, this setting
will cut frequencies in the reverbs output below the threshold you set here.
Power User Tip: This is especially helpful for bass-rich sound sources (baritone voice,
acoustic guitar) as adding too much reverb in low frequencies can muddy your sound.
4. Pre-Delay. Pre-Delay is the time (in milliseconds) between the end of the
initial sound and the moment when the first reflections become audible.
Power User Tip: Imagine you’re on a stage in a large music hall. You stand on the
very edge of the stage and shout “Hello world!” toward the center of the hall. There
will be a brief pause before you hear the first noticeable reflections of your voice,
because the sound waves can travel much further before encountering a surface and
bouncing back. Adjusting the pre-delay parameter on a reverb allows you to change
the apparent size of the room without having to change the overall Size. This will
give your mix a little more transparency by leaving some space between the original
sound and its reverb.
5. Amount. This is the “send” level to the Reverb from your
microphone. Increasing this level will increase how processed,
or “wet, the Microphone Channel will sound.