Owner manual

Table of Contents
1 Overview1
1.1 Introduction1
1.2 About This Manual1
1.3 Technical Support2
1.4 Summary StudioLive AI
Software Library Features2
1.4.1 Virtual StudioLive-AI2
1.4.2 StudioLive Remote-AI
for Apple iPad®3
1.4.3 QMix-AI for iPhone®
and iPod touch®3
1.4.4 Capture 2 4
1.4.5 Studio One Artist4
2 Connecting to a Computer5
2.1 Installation for Windows5
2.2 Installation for Mac OS X6
2.3 Using the StudioLive as an Audio Interface6
2.4 Using the StudioLive with Popular
Audio Applications7
2.5 Digital Sends and Returns8
2.5.1 Channel Digital Sends8
2.5.2 Auxiliary Digital Sends 9
2.5.3 Digital Returns10
2.5.4 Main Digital Return10
2.6 Using Plug-In Effects as Inserts10
3 Networking Your
StudioLive AI mixer12
3.1 Step 1: Connect your StudioLive
to your Network12
3.2 Step 2: Connect your Computer
to your Network13
3.3 Step 3: Connect your iPad
to your Network14
3.4 Step 4: Connect your iPhone/iPod touch
to your Network16
3.5 Step 5: Setting iOS Permissions17
3.5.1 StudioLive Remote
for iPad Permissions18
3.5.2 QMix-AI for iPhone/iPod Touch
4 Universal Control-AI
and VSL-AI19
4.1 Universal Control-AI Launch Window19
4.2 VSL-AI: Browser20
4.2.1 VSL-AI: Panel Views22
4.3 VSL-AI Overview Tab 23
4.3.1 Metering Controls23
4.3.2 DSP Panel & Channel Controls24
4.3.3 Aux Panel25
4.3.4 FX Panel26
4.3.5 Copying Mixes26
4.3.6 Copying Channel Settings26
4.3.7 Quickview27
4.4 VSL-AI: Fat Channel Tab28
4.5 Loading Scenes and Presets from VSL-AI29
4.5.1 Loading a Scene29
4.5.2 Loading Scribble-Strip Labels29
4.5.3 Loading a Fat Channel Preset29
4.5.4 Loading an FX Preset30
4.5.5 Loading a GEQ Preset30
4.6 VSL-AI: GEQ Tab31
4.6.1 Selecting a GEQ to Edit 31
4.6.2 Enabling a GEQ31
4.6.3 Flattening a GEQ Curve31
4.7 Enabling Smaart Analysis (GEQ and PEQ)31
4.7.1 Time-Frequency Spectrograph32
4.7.2 RTA33
4.7.3 Using the Smaart Spectrograph
to Ring Out Monitors33
4.7.4 Using the Smaart RTA
While Mixing34
4.8 VSL-AI: Setup Tab35
4.8.1 Auxiliary Inputs Router35