Owner manual

4 Universal Control-AI and VSL-AI
4.8 VSL-AI: Setup Tab
AI Software Library
Reference Manual
4.8.2 Scene Recall Filters
Your StudioLive allows you to decide which group of parameters you would like to
recall with a scene. The Scene Recall menu on the Setup tab corresponds directly
with the Scene Recall menu on your StudioLive. See Section 5.3.4 in the StudioLive
AI Mixers Owner’s Manual for details.
4.8.3 Link Channel Faders Preference
When the Link Channel Faders preference is enabled, stereo-linked channels will no
longer have individual control over each fader in VSL-AI or StudioLive Remote-AI. This
allows you to control the volume of a stereo channel pair by moving either
channel’s fader.
4.8.4 Default to Fader Locate Preference
With the Default to Fader Locate preference enabled, Fader Locate will automatically
engage when a fader is moved remotely in VSL-AI or StudioLive Remote-AI. This
preference allows you to quickly sync your StudioLive when you return to the board.
Power User Tip: If you are remote-controlling the faders on your StudioLive,
it is highly recommended that you enable this preference. When Fader
Locate mode is activated, the faders on your StudioLive will not be active.
By allowing this mode to engage automatically, you will instantly see
which faders have changed when you go back to the StudioLive.
4.8.5 Enabling Lockout Mode
Your StudioLive features a Lockout mode that allows you to temporarily disable
nearly every feature on the StudioLive, although analog features (e.g., input-trim
knobs, faders, and cue, tape-input, and monitor levels) can still be adjusted.
Because of this, after unlocking your StudioLive, and before resuming
mixing, you should take a quick glance at your input trims and output levels.
If you have locked your fader position, you will be able to recall your pre-
lockout fader positions using the Locate button in the meter section.
Until you connect your StudioLive to a computer, the mixer cannot be
locked, so don’t worry about accidentally locking yourself out.
1. With your StudioLive connected and synced to your
computer, launch VSL-AI and click on the Setup tab.
2. Click on the Lock Out button.
3. To set your custom password, click on the box next to “Device
is Lockable. At this point, a cursor will appear in the password
box. Enter a 5-digit code using any number between 1 and 9,
and click the Set button. Your password will no longer be
displayed. Should you need to change your password, simply
click on the box next to “Device is Lockable. Your old
password will be deleted, and you will be able to enter a new
password. Once you have set your password, the StudioLive
can be locked whether it’s synced to a computer or not.