Owner manual

4 Universal Control-AI and VSL-AI
4.9 Smaart System Check Wizards
AI Software Library
Reference Manual
What about all the other bumps and dips? Remember: The frequency-response
trace is not a video game. You don’t need to put a filter on every bump or dip
in your trace when a few carefully placed filters will achieve a much better
result. This is also why the wizard overlays the trace on your parametric EQ.
A parametric EQ is an ideal tool to shape your systems frequency-response trace into
a trend that will complement your application. With a parametric EQ, you have the
ability to process large areas of bandwidth, with minimal electronic smearing to the
signal. This also frees up your graphic EQ for aesthetic adjustments or fine-tuning.
So, let’s apply the following EQ setting and take a look
at the resulting frequency-response trace:
As you can see, just four filters made a big difference, and now our systems
frequency-response trace follows the general Music Concert trend that we needed.
Music Concert
Trend (no sub)
Power User Tip: Spotting the trend and knowing what to do with it are experiential
skills that get better over time. Because of this, you may try using the trends in the
previous section as practice tools. Shoot your room with the SRA wizard and try to
EQ it for speech intelligibility, then play an audio book or a recording of your favorite
inspirational speech through your system. Turn the EQ on and off while listening.
Did you make the system better? Try the same experiment using the Rock Concert
trend and play your favorite live album through your system this time. Over time,
you’ll begin to see what really constitutes a problem and what can be overlooked.
You don’t need to have access to a live venue to do this. Set your speakers up in
your garage, or living room, or both and try to see the differences in the rooms.