Owner manual

6 QMix-AI for iPhone and iPod Touch
6.2 Wheel of Me
AI Software Library
Reference Manual
Once you’ve identified these channels as your “Me channels, the Wheel of Me will
increase or decrease the level of these channels concurrently, allowing you to create
a DCA group of your most critical channels in your monitor mix.
To return to the Wheel of Me, tap the Aux button in the upper left-hand corner.
Wheel of Me. Controls the Level of the Me Channels.
The Wheel of Me increases or decreases the level of your Me channels as a mix
relative to the rest of the channels (the Band). If you increase the level of your Me
channels beyond the top level, rather than further raising the Me level, the Band
channels will decrease in volume, producing the illusion of even more Me.
On either side of the Wheel of Me, you will find Me and Band mix indicators. These
level displays show the balance between the Me channels and the Band channels.
The Band channels consist of any channels not identified as Me channels. These
indicators will adjust automatically as you move the Wheel of Me up or down.
Power User Tip: The “Band” indicator will not show a level until you create
an aux mix on the Aux Mix page. The “Me” indicator won’t show a level until
at least one channel is selected on the Me Channels page. If all channels in
the aux mix are selected on the Me Channels page, level will only be shown
in the “Me” indicator, and no level will be shown in the “Band” indicator.
Lock Orientation. Locks Device in the Portrait View.
Enabling the Lock Orientation button will lock your iPhone/iPod touch in Portrait
view. While this button is enabled, you cannot open the Aux Mix page.
Locking the view will also remove the Start Page button. Until this option is
disabled, QMix-AI will launch in this view connected to the current mixer.
Power User Tip: If QMix-AI doesn’t change pages when you change your iPhone
or iPod Touchs orientation, make sure that Lock Orientation is not enabled.