Owner manual

7 Capture 2
7.2 Start Page
AI Software Library
Reference Manual
You can choose a different file location by clicking on the Browse button and
browsing to a new location. The last known save location will appear as the default
the next time you create a new Session.
Power User Tip: The Name Scheme fields have been added to Capture 2
to help keep your Sessions organized and to make your archived library
of live performances more easily searchable. Because of this, we highly
recommend that you always take a moment to fill in these fields.
Record Now! Clicking the Record Now button on the Start page will launch a new
Session, arm all tracks for recording, and begin recording immediately. If you do not
have any of the Name Scheme fields customized, your Session will be labeled with
today’s date.
7.2.3 Open a Session
The Capture 2 Start page provides two different
ways to quickly open previous Sessions.
Open Session Button
Clicking on the Open Session button will open a browser that will allow you to
browse for, and open, an existing Session.
Recent Files List
Located below the Open Session button, you will find the Recent
Files list. This list includes links to the most recently opened
documents. Click on any of these links to quickly open the Session.
Locate Missing Files
In the event that the Session you open is missing audio files, Capture will
help you find them. Use Session>Locate Missing Files to search your
computer for lost resources.