Owner manual

7 Capture 2
7.6 Saving and Loading StudioLive AI Mix Scenes
AI Software Library
Reference Manual
8. The track labels from the soundcheck Session are automatically
loaded into your blank recording Session.
Power User Tip: If you have Sync Names engaged, all your track names will be
broadcast to your StudioLive AI mixer, VSL-AI, SL Remote-AI, and QMix-AI.
7.6 Saving and Loading StudioLive AI Mix Scenes
In Capture 2.1 and later, you have the option of saving your StudioLive
AI mix scene with your Capture session. This helps keep your audio
recordings organized; makes doing a virtual soundcheck even easier with
Capture, as was illustrated in the previous section; and allows you to load
your StudioLive mix scene into the Studio One mixer when you open a
Capture session in Studio One (see Section 8.6 for more information)
Save Mix Scene. To save your StudioLive mix scene with your Capture session, click
on the Save Mix Scene button. This will store the current state of your StudioLive AI
mixer with your Capture session.
Load Mix Scene. To load the stored StudioLive mix scene from Capture, click on the
Load Mix Scene button. This will load the stored scene using the Recalling Filters that
are enabled on your mixer. For more information on setting Recalling Filters, see
Section 5.3.4 in the StudioLive AI Hardware User Manual.
Note: This feature is only available if you have stored a scene
with your Capture session and you have networked your mixer to
Capture either through FireWire or over a LAN network.
7.7 Importing and Exporting Audio Files
7.7.1 Importing Audio Files into Capture
It is possible to import WAV and AIFF audio files into your Session.
1. To import an audio file, select Import Audio File from the Session menu,
or [Ctrl]/[Cmd]+I on the keyboard, to open the Import File menu.
2. Browse to the desired file and click on it to select it.