
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
necessary to eliminate her, make
sure your team is ready to open
fire simultaneously, and avoid
hitting the car with the alarm.
Once she’s startled, your team
won’t have much time to respond
before the Witch pounces on one
of your teammates and begins
clawing away. Finish her off fast
and get down into the safe house
before more infected can join the
attack. When you’re playing as the
infected, the Witch can be a very
useful distraction, so wait until
she attacks before triggering your
own ambush.
Subway Safe House
Descend the steps to the safe house and clear this
room of threats. For the most part, a few common
infected will be wandering around down here.
But this room could also be the site of a last-
ditch attempt by the infected to stop your team,
especially during versus matches. Watch out for
Boomers and other bosses lurking down here. Once
it’s clear, race into the safe house.
In your haste to reach the safe
house, keep tabs on all your
teammates and make sure they’re
not still up on the street. If
they’ve been pinned by a Hunter
or wrapped up by a Smoker, you’ll
need to go back and rescue them.
However, such tactics can be used
as traps by the infected to draw
survivors out of the safe house,
so proceed with caution. Where
there’s one, there are likely to be
others ready to pounce. At times
you may be better off sacrificing
one teammate to save the rest.
If you’re the fi rst in the safe house, turn around and
provide covering fi re from the doorway while the
rest of your teammates fi le inside. Encourage your
teammates to move as fast as possible so you can
shut the door and complete the level. The infected
cannot spawn in the room connecting to the safe
house, but they can spawn on the street above. So
aim at the staircase, as this is the only access point
to the safe house—any attackers will come racing
down these steps.
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