
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
Safe House
Having escaped the apartment, the survivors
must now travel underground, utilizing the Red
Line North subway tunnel. This leads directly to
the hospital, but given the damage aboveground,
it’s not certain if the entire stretch of the tunnel is
open to foot traffi c. Before heading out, stock up on
ammo and health in the safe house. If you haven’t
already, heal up, then replenish your supplies by
grabbing a new fi rst aid kit. There are always four
rst aid kits in every safe house, so be sure not to
leave one behind. The SMG and pump shotgun are
both adequate weapons for clearing the subway
tunnels—just make sure your team has good mix of
weaponry before exiting the safe house.
Just outside the safe house the fl oor is damaged,
dropping down into a stairway. Pause at the top of
this big hole and blast any zombies lurking below.
If you or any team members have a pipe bomb,
consider tossing it down the steps to fl ush out
any infected skulking below. When its clear, drop
through the hole simultaneously.
After dropping through the hole, turn around and
clear out this dead-end area fi lled with concrete
pillars and zombies. This is a favorite hiding spot
for infected looking to pounce on your team early
on, so don’t turn your back on this area until it’s
clear. Watch for Boomers and other infected bosses
lurking down here.
Just outside the safe house, look for
this drainpipe climb point. It leads
to a small ledge just above the safe
house exit. From here you can attack
the survivors as soon as they exit. For
best results, wait until most of the
survivors have dropped through the
hole near the stairway, then
attack any stragglers on the
upper level. If you’re lucky and
patient, you may be able to kill
at least one survivor here.
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