
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
Be ready for a fi ght when you reach the top of the
escalator. Even if no infected bosses show up, there
are usually plenty of common infected to mop
up before you can make a move for the tunnel.
Also, don’t linger around the escalators. Infected
spawning downstairs love to rush up these steps
and fl ank your team from behind. So remain vigilant
while pushing toward the tunnel ahead.
Red Line North
Drop onto the tracks and start moving along the
Red Line North tunnel. Move quickly and drop
any infected that get in your way. But stay close
together and be ready for the inevitable attacks by
the infected bosses, such as the Smoker and Hunter.
The closer you stay together, the quicker your
teammates will be able to respond to these attacks.
While in ghost mode, continually
monitor the survivors as they move
through the tunnel. There are
many opportunities for them to get
separated here, giving your team the
perfect chance to attack. Watch for
stragglers, then immediately spawn
just out of sight and initiate your
attack. Hunters can dish
out some serious damage,
especially if the victim’s
teammates are far away and
unable to quickly respond.
Red Line
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