
No Mercy
No Mercy
No Mercy
The Survivors
and Infected
& Supplies
Death Toll
Dead Air
Upon exiting the apartment building, the
survivors must pass through a narrow L-shaped
alleyway leading out to the main street. The length
of and long sight lines offered by these passages
favor the SMG and pistol over the shotgun. So
consider having your SMG-toting buddies lead the
way during this phase of the journey.
Concentrating your fi repower down these alleys
allows your team to dispatch zombies at long
range, mitigating the chance of close encounters.
However, there may be a few zombies huddled
near cars or dumpsters, so be ready to blast them
as they rush into view. While your teams fi repower
and the tall walls of the surrounding buildings
may make you feel secure in this alley, don’t linger
here too long. In versus mode, the infected can
attack from the rooftops, so make a concerted
effort to reach the street ASAP.
When playing as the infected in
versus mode, utilize the climb
points in the alley to reach the
rooftops. Attacking from the
rooftops is the best way to attack
the survivors moving through the
alley, particularly when playing as
the Hunter or Smoker. The rooftops
provide much better cover and
concealment than the alley, helping
you maintain the element of surprise.
Just make sure you remain
in ghost mode until you reach
the rooftop—otherwise you
may be spotted and eliminated
before you can attack.
The alley empties into the street, the main artery
leading to the subway station and this maps safe
house. Combat in the street differs signifi cantly
from the action in the apartment or alley. For
one, the street is very wide and the infected can
attack from virtually any direction.
So stay on alert and keep moving
to avoid getting surrounded.
Submachine guns and
pistols work well for
eliminating threats at
intermediate to long
range, but shotguns
are essential for
dealing with the
inevitable swarm
attack from virtually any direction.
So stay on alert and keep moving
to avoid getting surrounded.
Submachine guns and
eliminating threats at
intermediate to long
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