
Now, backtrack to the circular foyer. Enemies are crowding the
foyer, looking for who killed the lights. Drop the chandelier on
their heads by shooting the chain that holds it up. Hang over
the edge of the balcony and shoot the thugs as they mill below
and when the coast is clear, move on to the first weapons
stash, which is your checkpoint.
Once inside the banya, cross the empty circular lobby and
move up to the second floor. A room on the far side of the
balcony is bathed in blue light. Enter this room and use your
EMPs together to fry the lights in the banya. Make sure the
thug guarding the EMP spot is dead and then pump your EMPs
together. This extinguishes all of the lights.
Communicate! Talk over strategies and routes with your co-op
partner. Splitting up lets you cover more ground. However,
there are definitely going to be situations where you can use
double the firepower on the same enemies.
Lob frags down on the thugs in the foyer. And even though
the lights are out, EMP grenades or the generator pulses are
still effective at stunning hostiles, giving you breathing room to
either escape or close in for a hand-to-hand kill.
seCtor 1 strategy
When you approach the banya, you must take down the drunk
pounding on the outer gate in order to score an execution.
As you enter the grounds, use a co-op execution as a test so
both of you are comfortable with the timing of sharing marked
targets and taking them down. After sweeping through the
courtyard, enter the banya.
Split up. One of you enters through the ground level door
while the other shimmies up the pipe and enters through the
window. Work together to clear targets and converge in the
room visible through the window.
The Fisher
Co-oP sTory
hoW To use
This guiDe
The arT oF sPlinTer
Cell ConviCTion
Co-oP sT. PeTersburg banya russian embassy yasTreb ComPlex mozDok grounDs
sT. PeTersburg banya—seCTor 1
seCTor 1 sTraTegy
sT. PeTersburg banya—seCTor 2
seCTor 2 sTraTegy
sT. PeTersburg banya—seCTor 3
seCTor 3 sTraTegy
sT. PeTersburg banya—seCTor 4
seCTor 4 sTraTegy
sT. PeTersburg banya—seCTor 5
seCTor 5 sTraTegy
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