
Jump through
the window and
shimmy up the
nearby pipe. From
the pipe, you can
survey the room.
Multiple mercs
patrol the floor.
Watch for three
to coalesce to the right. You should have an execution ready
from the interrogation with the officer. Mark the three mercs
for execution...
There are two ways into the warehouse behind you: a door
to the right and a window on the left. There is no immediate
resistance at either entrance, but the window will allow you to
take the entire room by stealth.
Mark the other mercs on the far side of the room so when they
run to check out the fallen EMP, they run right into range for
an execution.
If there are
survivors in the
room following the
EMP drop, hit one
with a Death from
Above and then
immediately seek
cover near one of
the plated railings
or crates and hunt them one-by-one. The chemical lights flood
the walkways with light, but you can still hide in the shadows
created by walls and cover.
There are underground pits with tunnels under this warehouse.
Feel free to use them to vanish and sneak up on your
If you choose to take the warehouse by force, use the door
on the exterior of the building to enter a small room. Then,
creep up to the openings that look inside the chamber with
the hanging EMP. Mark targets for execution or fall back and
devise a strategy for bringing them to you.
...or look above them. There is an EMP device hanging over
them. Shoot the chain holding up the EMP to drop it on the
mercs. This puts the entire room in a panic, but it is unlikely
that any of them will look up at the pipes to see if there a super
spy crawling around the ceiling.
Prima Official Game Guide