
fter eliminating all
of the enemies in
rooms beneath the
warehouse, you
must rescue the
scientist. Follow
the pipe at the
end of the room to
locate the missing
scientist, held at gunpoint by one of the PMC’s top men. He
taunts Fisher while holding the scientist at gunpoint. But Fisher
teaches him that nothing says goodbye like a bullet.
There are mercs
dead ahead. Sneak
up to the corner
looking into the
clearing where the
trio is discussing
their next move.
If you have an
execution, mark
and kill. If not, set a
trap to kill all three
within seconds.
Drop a remote
mine in the narrow
opening between
you and the mercs.
Then, lean out and
shoot one. The mercs spot your LKP and start to move on
you. Run to the nearby pipe and climb it. When the mercs step
too close to the remote mine, blow it up. Hopefully, both were
flattened, but if not, use the pipe as a vantage point to take out
the third merc.
Explosions attract attention. Stay on the pipe. Reinforcements
are on the way. From the pipe, you can cut down any additional
mercs that inspect the carnage.
Use the pipe
extending across
the ceiling to slide
over the next room.
Additional mercs
are looking for you.
Mark them for
execution and then
drop down for a
Death from Above
on the closest
merc. Now you
have the execution
needed to finish off
the other mercs
before they turn
their machine guns on you.
When you round the corner and close in on the scientist, the
clock starts ticking. You have just one minute to kill the mercs
around the scientist and save her from execution. There are
stairs for dropping in on the mercs or you can slink along the
ground floor and attack from the doors.
The stairs provide
the best killing
angle on the
mercs holding the
scientist. While
they look for you
on the ground
floor, you can
target at least
two of them from
above before they get wise to your position.
Get spotted at one of the doors on the ground floor. While the
merc looks at your LKP, use another door to flank.
Prima Official Game Guide