
Do not hesitate to follow Grim’s directions. She will be
your inner ear guide for this mission, assisting you with
outmaneuvering the thugs swarming on your current position.
This is a short mission, but there are plenty of opportunities to
end up in the morgue. If you keep your trigger finger frosty and
stick to the shadows, you’ll soon have vital information about
your daughter’s “accidental” death.
street Bazaar
You remember
one night, when
Sarah was just
a little girl, she
called out to you
from her room.
Sarah was afraid
of the dark. You
entered her room,
turned on the lights, and calmed her down by explaining that
the dark isn’t as scary as she thought. After all, in the dark, you
can see things moving around the shadows that you cannot
when standing in the light. You also told Sarah about how the
dark can give you an advantage over whatever is scaring you.
For example, if a monster were standing under Sarah’s mobile,
you could sneakily drop it on the monster’s head. Sarah was so
pleased with your assurances. But then the sound of breaking
glass in another room of the house shattered the spell. Sarah
was about to learn that monsters were real.
Push through the crowd of panicked civilians rushing out of
the booths in the alley behind the cafe. You must enter the
alley and take out the armed men who spooked the crowd. Of
course, walking up to them with a gun outstretched is not an
option—nor is it the Third Echelon way. Grim tells you how to
advance from cover to cover up the alley, quickly darting from
one position to the next. Taking cover is critical for survival. You
are not bulletproof. Advance along the cover opportunities until
you see the first two armed thugs.
Grim does you a favor by hacking into the city’s power grid
and causing a surge. Transformers blow, sending a curtain
of sparks into the alley. You now have the benefit of darkness,
which is as lethal as the gun in your hand. However, the sudden
flash of sparks sends your mind careening into a memory of
Sarah’s childhood.
You flash back to the alley in Valletta. Memories of Sarah will
have to wait. The armed men are initially surprised by the
sudden darkness. But that’s your element. You can see the
thugs but they do not see you while you are still hiding behind
cover. Lean out from the cover and take aim at the men. Go for
clean-kill headshots. A single bullet to the brain will take these
guys down. But as you shoot, stay hidden. A third gun joins
the pair just as they crumple to the ground. Give him the hard
goodbye of a bullet, too.
Prima Official Game Guide
The Fisher
Co-oP sTory
hoW To use
This guiDe
The arT oF sPlinTer
Cell ConviCTion
mission 01:
mission 02:
mission 03:
mission 04:
mission 05:
mission 06:
WhiTe box
mission 07:
mission 08:
ThirD eChelon
mission 09:
miChigan ave.
mission 10:
mission 11:
WhiTe house
overvieW sTraTegy
markeTPlaCe—valleTTa, malTa
sTreeT bazaar marking For DeaTh gramkos’s inTerrogaTion
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