User guide

> Advanced use
The surround mode determines how the sound is divided
between the loudspeakers in your surround system. Each
source is associated with a default surround mode, which will
be used when you select that source, but you can choose a
different surround mode for the source if you prefer.
For example, the standard surround mode for the TV source
is PLII PL, since most TV broadcasts are Pro Logic encoded,
but if you are watching a music concert you may prefer to
choose the Stereo or Bypass surround modes, as these give
a more natural sound when listening to music.
To change the surround mode
•Press the MODE button on the remote control to step
between the available surround modes.
•Press the MENU button on the front panel or remote
control to display the MAIN MENU.
Use the INPUT SELECTOR on the front panel or the A
and V buttons on the remote control to highlight the
Use the VOLUME control on the front panel or the <
and > buttons on the remote control to step between
the available surround modes.
The menu option will flash while the SP31.7 Multi-Channel
Processor is locking to the input.
The options available depend on the source you are listening
If you are listening to a conventional two-channel analog or
digital source, such as a CD, the following options are
Option Description
BYPASS The inputs are fed directly to the output, with no
decoding for the most faithful possible reproduction of
stereo or multi-channel sources.
STEREO Conventional stereo, using just the main left and right
PRO LOGIC Dolby’s original Pro Logic decoder; PLII will almost
always give better results.
PLII PL Dolby’s updated Pro Logic decoder provides 5.1
PLII C channel surround sound from any two-channel source,
PLII M with stereo surround back channels and full frequency
range. PLII C is ideal for movie soundtracks and PLII M
is ideal for music sources.
PARTY The same signal to the front left and right, surround
left and right, and surround back left and right
loudspeakers, if connected and enabled.
DTS NEO:6 C DTS Neo:6 provides up to 6.1 channel surround sound
DTS NEO:6 M from conventional stereo sources, and can be used
with virtually any two-channel analog or digital stereo
source such as CD, tape, or TV. DTS Neo:6 M is ideal
for stereo music sources.
For Dolby Digital, DTS, or MPEG sources only the following
option is available:
Option Description
AUTO Automatically detects an incoming digital signal and
locks onto it.
The SP31.7 Multi-Channel Processor automatically detects a
Dolby Digital input and displays AC-3 on the front panel
display. If the Dolby Digital input only contains two channels,
P.L is also displayed.
To display information about the source
•Highlight the INPUT MODE option on the MAIN
§3 Advanced 26/7/02, 12:51 pm8