User guide

> Setting up the sources
The currently selected character is shown highlighted with a
Use the VOLUME control on the front panel or the <
and > buttons on the remote control to change the
currently selected character.
Each key press steps the character through the sequence:
space, upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits, and
Press the MENU button on the front panel or remote
control when you have finished entering the alias.
To add a new source
Proceed as for editing a source, but select an unused
source as the starting point.
The following examples show how to set up sources to cater
for more advanced applications.
Defining two sources that use the same input
Usually each source you define will correspond to a different
input on the back panel. However, there are occasions when
it is useful to be able to define two sources using the same
input, and the SP31.7 allows you to do this.
The following example shows how to define two sources,
with aliases MOVIES and MUSIC, designed for use with a
DVD player. Choosing the MOVIES source selects the PLII
CINEMA surround mode, which is ideal for movie
soundtracks. Choosing the MUSIC source selects the 2-CH
surround mode, for the best possible reproduction of audio
The definition of each of the two sources are shown in the
following screen displays:
Defining a multi-channel source
If you have a source that provides multi-channel analog
outputs, such as a DVD Audio or SACD player, you can define
a source that allows you to connect this to the SP31.7,
bypassing the internal surround processor.
•Connect the multi-channel inputs to analog inputs 5, 6, 7,
and 8 as shown in the following table:
Input Left Right
Analog 5 Front left Front right
Analog 6 Surround left Surround right
Analog 7 Center Subwoofer
Analog 8 Surround back left Surround back right
Define a source with the AUDIO option set to
EXTERNAL and the VIDEO option set to the video
input used for the DVD Audio or SACD player.
§6 Sources 26/7/02, 12:52 pm21