User's Manual

Useing the Network 4-9
4.7 Using WEP
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a industry standard algorithm for
encryption of wireless data streams. WEP was designed to prevent
“eavesdropping” and is often used when the transmitted data is of a
sensitive nature. Note that when WEP is enabled, you may notice
decreased throughput. This can be contributed to the WEP overhead
on the network and is common to all WEP implementations.
The Bodega platform supports 40-bit WEP in both Multimedia and
Wi-Fi modes. WEP is disabled by default and must be manually
enabled for each node.
For Windows based nodes (i.e. PCI, PCMCIA or USB based nodes),
WEP can be enabled and configured through the Device Management
application. WEP settings are part of the properties of a “Profile” and
can be different for each profile. For example: the “Office” profile may
include WEP settings that match those of your office environment and
the “Home” profile may have WEP turned off.
NOTE: All nodes in a single network MUST have the same WEP
settings to communicate.
To configure the Bridge Access Point for WEP, the Bridge Manager
utility must be used (refer to installation and operation instructions).