Installation Guide

Augers depend on the ability of the soil to hold together for their strength. If augers can not be
screwed in, simply digging a hole and burying them will not work. We recommend buying
augers, and if they can not be screwed in properly, a hole can be dug and the auger cast in
concrete. This will provide a good loop for guy wire attachment and make an excellent anchor in
the concrete.
Duckbill Anchors: Duckbill anchors consist of an anchor attached to a cable with a loop on the
end. They are driven into the ground using an anchor driver, which is a steel rod with either an
enlarged striking surface (for a large hammer) or an attachment for a jackhammer or impact
driver. The rod fits into the anchor and holds it straight while it is being driven into the ground.
Once the anchor is sufficiently deep in the ground, the driver is withdrawn and the anchor cable is
pulled a short distance to “set” the anchor. As the anchor is being set it will rotate perpendicular
to the hole made as it was driven in, making it very difficult to move any further.
Please note: Once a duckbill anchor is set in place, it can only be removed by digging it out.
Buried Concrete: A buried concrete anchor may be the only solution if the ground is loose
gravel or sand or if it is too rocky for an auger or duckbill to be driven in,. Buried concrete
anchors will work in any situation other than solid rock. A hole must be dug in the ground at the
desired anchor point. One good tactic is to purchase either augers or duckbills and if they can not
be used as intended, then dig holes and cast them in concrete. Otherwise some other means of
attachment must be created for the guy wires, such as a loop of steel bar (re-bar) or chain.