Installation Guide

Depending on the nature of the soil at the site, the ground staples should be driven or cemented into
the ground so that the base tube is captured. If cement pads are to be used, the base tube can be
supported at its ends and used to hold the staples while the cement is setting. If the base is to be on
solid hard rock, expansion bolts and chain should be used. For softer rock the staples can be cut
shorter and cemented into holes drilled in the rock. If you know that you will be using Method III
(under “Erecting the Gin Pole”) take note of these procedures, but wait until the gin pole is up
to perform them.
Step 6: Assembly of Tower and Turbine
Note: If larger than 6-gauge electrical wire is to be used, it may be necessary to cut or file reliefs
in the bottom of the lower tower pipe section and in the gin pole for increased wire clearance. This
should be done before proceeding. Make sure that interior edges of the tower pipe and the bottom of
the gin pole are smooth and free of burrs that could damage the electrical wires. (see drawing on
The basic method you will be using to raise the tower will involve assembling the tower on the
ground, erecting a gin pole, and then raising the tower by pulling from the top of the gin pole. There
are actually three different methods that can be used to erect the gin pole. Which method should be
chosen will depend on the size of electrical wire being used, the manpower available and personal
preference. For all three methods assembly of the tower begins as follows:
1) The electrical wires for the turbine should be straightened and cut 2 to 3 feet (1 m) longer
than the tower height.
2) Trim and strip the ends of the turbine wires so that the wires are staggered about 2 inches
(red wire 12 inches, black wire 10 inches, green wire 8 inches).
3) Connect the electrical wires to the turbine wires using copper split bolts or by soldering the
connections. Wrap each connection with a generous amount of electrical tape.