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Safety Data Sheet
according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31
Date Printed: 03/23/2015 Date Reviewed: 03/11/2015Version 2
Product Name: Formolene® High Density Polyethylene-Hexene Copolymer
(Contd. from Page 2)
7: Handling and Storage
Precautions for Safe Handling:
No special measures required.
Conditions for Safe Storage:
Store in closed, properly labeled containers.
Protect containers from heat, physical damage, ignition sources and incompatible materials.
Have emergency equipment for fires and spills readily available.
Additional Information:
If you do not understand the hazards or safety precautions described in this data sheet, contact your
supervisor or safety administrator before handling this product.
8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Occupational Exposure Limits:
Not applicable.
Engineering Controls:
None required under normal conditions of use.
General Protective and Hygienic Measures:
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Respiratory Protection:
None required under normal conditions of use.
Hand Protection:
Work gloves.
Eye/Face Protection:
Safety glasses with side shields.
Body Protection:
Protective work clothing
Additional Information:
If unusual exposures are expected, an industrial hygiene review of work practices, engineering controls and
personal protective equipment is recommended.
9: Physical/Chemical Properties
pH Value:
Not determined.
Melting Point:
131 °C (268 °F)
Flash Point:
335 °C (635 °F)
Autoignition Temperature:
342 °C (648 °F)
(Contd. on Page 4)