User's Manual

Privaris plusID Manager Operators Manual V1.1
Manufacturing Information
Manufacturing Information lists the device’s model number, serial number, and date
of manufacture. This information is typically only needed for customer service
Revision Information
Revision Information lists the version information of the hardware and software
specific to each device.
Device Properties
Device Properties lists the plusID device’s unique MAC address, which refers to a
communication channel(s) within the device. This address will only display if
required for the operation of the device.
Refresh Status Button
If there has been a change to any of the device specific status information, pressing
the Refresh Status button will update the information in real time.
5. Enrollment
Enrollment is the key element of the plusID device issuance process. It is what
makes the device work for its enrolled owner and no one else. A precise enrollment is
critical for the plusID device to operate properly.
During enrollment the user’s fingerprint images are captured, encoded and securely stored as
a template on the plusID device. A typical enrollment requires three to five
fingerprint swipes. Enrollment readies the plusID for regular day-to-day use, which is called
verification. Verification is simply a fingerprint swipe in which the device compares the live
fingerprint presented to it with the fingerprint templates stored during enrollment to ensure
that only the authorized user can operate the device.
a. Enrollment Administrator Guidelines
1. Always review the “How to Swipe” instructions with each user before beginning
enrollment. It is also recommended that the 1 minute plusID video be shown to
each user before enrollment to demonstrate the proper swiping technique and
speed. (The video is linked from within the “How to Swipe” file under Help /
Fingerprint Instructions from the main menu)
2. Always enroll both thumbs to ensure that there is a backup in case of injury.
3. Always enroll the users’ primary thumb first.
4. In the event a thumb is not an option, default to the user’s index finger(s).
5. More than two thumbs/fingers can be enrolled in a single device, but is likely to
result in slower verifications.
6. Remember that as an Enrollment Authority you can erase and re-enroll a user’s
fingerprint at any time.
27 11.08.07