Operation Manual

treadmill is a performance
training tool for runners. Following are some of the fea-
tures that make it the best training treadmill available:
Running Metronome—The console features a run-
ning metronome that enables you to easily pace
yourself and maintain a fluid motion while running.
Simply select the desired pace, and match your strides
to the beat. You can improve your running efficiency
by focusing on the following four fundamentals of good
running form:
1. No heel strike
2. Your foot landing under your bent knee
3. A slightly forward-leaning posture
4. A running cadence of 180 or greater
Speed Ring—An innovative speed ring is integrated
with the BOSTON MARATHON treadmill controls. The
comfortable and lightweight wireless speed ring can be
worn on your finger and used to change the treadmill
speed without interrupting your stride. This is espe-
cially useful for interval and repetition training, where
large speed changes are required while running at high
Real Road Setting—Running on a treadmill requires a
slightly smaller energy expenditure than running on the
road. This is due to the lack of wind resistance and the
energy return from the spring in the walking platform.
The BOSTON MARATHON treadmill can be configured
to adjust for these factors so that running on the tread-
mill requires the same energy expenditure as running
on the road.
Runners Flex Cushion—The runner’s flex cushion
system can be turned on or off to provide different
types of training.
On—Provides extremely effective impact reduc-
tion. This is very effective for long runs that are
designed to increase aerobic capacity and muscle
adaptations. The impact absorption dramatically
increases the comfort of the run so that you can run
much longer and achieve the desired adaptation.
This also reduces recovery time so that you can
come back and train the next day.
Off—Provides a fully firm platform to use for interval
training (to increase VO2 max) and repetition train-
ing (to increase running efficiency). The firm surface
assures that in this type of training, your muscles
are recruited correctly to achieve the desired
Ergonomics—The BOSTON MARATHON treadmill
ergonomics are specifically designed for serious run-
ners. The handlebars are within easy reach if needed
but are out of the way to allow for natural strides. The
walking belt length is 5 ft. 2 in. (157 cm) to encourage
full, natural strides for effective training.
15.0 MPH—For the first time, advances in treadmill
drive systems allow you to run at a 4-minute-mile (15
MPH) pace using a standard 120-volt AC, 15-amp
plug. This pace is a critical training tool for runners
to increase their VO2 max and running efficiency for
improved race performance.
Incline Range of -6% to 20%—The extreme range
of incline is designed to provide real terrain training.
This allows you to train all muscle groups to properly
prepare for the race course. The decline also allows
for “over speed” training to improve your leg turn-over
while working within your target intensity range.
Core Cooling Fans—Two high-volume fans are posi-
tioned to blow correctly on your core to keep your body
temperature down. Core body cooling is especially
critical during long runs designed to create aerobic
capacity and muscle adaptation. If your body tempera-
ture rises, more blood must be diverted to your skin to
transfer off excess heat. This increases your stress and
decreases how long you can run.