User Manual

© Pro-Ject Audio Systems · Pro-Ject A/D Phono Box S · Revision 2014.7.29
Dear music lover,
thank you for purchasing an A/D Phono Box S from Pro-Ject Audio Systems.
In order to achieve maximum performance and reliability you should study these instructions for use carefully.
Safety instructions
Setting the cartridge mode
The phono amplifier can be used in either MM (for moving magnet and high-output MC cartridges) or MC (for
low-output MC cartridges) mode according to the construction principle of the pickup cartridge to be used.
Since most cartridges use the MM principle the phono amplifier is factory set to operate in this mode. To find
out which type your cartridge is please consult the literature accompanying your cartridge. If in doubt please
consult your dealer.
A switch at the back of the phono amplifier sets the correct level of amplification for the cartridge.