Product Guide

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Reference class phono preamplier
with unique impedance control
The Phono Box RS2 is the ultimate phono preamplier of
the highest class. It is fully balanced from the input to the
output. Electronics are fully discrete, no op-amps are in
use and it uses split passive RIAA and DECA equalization.
An EQ has to be handled and implemented very carefully
and split passive EQ is the most expensive way to do it,
but also the only way to go if you want the most accurate
The Phono Box RS2 features the most advanced cont-
rols to be seen on any phono preamp in this price class!
It is an incredibly powerful tool for high-end enthusiasts
and professionals who are looking to dive deep into all
the settings and features the Phono Box RS2 has to oer.
On the other hand, the top notch build quality, the clean
circuit board design and the technology in use will let you
enjoy your turntable and all it has to oer, even without
digging too deep into the advanced settings. Purists
can eortlessly enjoy the best sound while experts and
tech-enthusiasts will nd their perfect high-tech phono
Discrete Circuitry
A discrete circuit is composed of electronic components
which are disparate, individual devices, also called di-
screte components.
These can be “passive” components, like resistors, ca-
pacitors and inductors, as well as “active” components,
which in our case are transistors. The opposite to this
would be an integrated circuit, which uses operational
ampliers (Op-Amps) in the signal chain.
Countless hours of listening tests and years of experien-
ce have shown us that even the very best Op-Amps do
not tend to be so neutral, natural, dynamic or vivid.
Standard phono pre-ampliers with integrated circuits
have a few tens or hundreds of components, but discre-
te designs will employ hundreds or thousands of com-
ponents by comparison. That makes for an extended
and more costly design process, but results in the best
sound for your money.
Fully Balanced
The Phono Box RS2 employs a true fully balanced design
principle. Balanced transmissions consist of a hot and a
cold (also called + and -) signal. Both the + and – signal
chains eectively carry the same musical information. A
true balanced amplier can now extract the nal musical
information out the +/- signals and subtract, remove, all
noise that could potentially be added along the transmis-
A “pseudo-balanced” amplier will not process the + and
– signals independently, but add them together before
they are processed. Pseudo-balanced design will not
benet from the advantages that balanced connections
have to oer, like fully balanced ampliers do. In a true,
fully balanced amplier, like the Phono Box RS2, the +
and – sections of both the left and right channel are tre-
ated individually, which doubles the amplier sections by
2 as a result. You need twice as much space on the cir-