Product Information

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Innovative miniature sized phono
preamplier with tube output and high
end sound!
Tube Box S2 is our very rst product to feature a
fully discreet circuit design without using any
operational ampliers (OpAmps). It also is the rst
product to come with replaceable tubes for tube rolling and
sound-shaping. This gives the customer many options
to pick from and alter the sound signature to his prefe-
rence. Tube Box S2 will give a full and relaxed laid back
sound with lush mids, just like you would expect it from a
much bigger high end tube phono pre-amplier. It oers
support for both MM and MC cartridges and comes with
many gain settings to be switched on the front panel. Five
variable input impedance settings are available to adjust
to any MM cartridge, the 47k ohms input impedance
setting is xed and suited for high output MC
cartridges. The aluminium/metal casing is adapted to
our DS2 line in looks and protects against vibrations and
electromagnetic interferences for superior sound. A true
high end solution in a much smaller package!