User's Manual

netwo rk card will do the rest fo r yo u.
This wireless network card is compatible with W PS. To use this function, the wireless
access po int yo u wish to connect to must suppo rt W PS functio n too . Now, please follow
the follo wing instructio ns to establish secure co nnectio n between W PS-enabled wireless
access po int and yo ur wireless netwo rk card.
W PS Configuration: The primary g o al o f W i-Fi Pro tected Setup (W i-Fi Simple
Co nfiguratio n) is to simply the security setup and manag ement o f W i-Fi netwo rks. Ralink
STA as an Enro llee o r external Reg istrar suppo rts the co nfiguration setup using PIN
configuratio n metho d or PBC co nfiguratio n setup using PIN co nfiguratio n metho d o r PBC
configuratio n metho d thro ugh an internal o r external Registrar.
W PS AP List: Display the informatio n o f surro unding APs with W PS IE fro m last sca n
result. List informatio n includes SSID, BSSID, Channel, ID (Device Passwo rd ID),
Resca n: Issue a rescan command to wireless N IC to update information o n surro unding
wireless netwo rk.
Information: Display the informatio n abo ut W PS IE o n the selected netwo rk. List
Info rmatio n includes Authenticatio n Type, Encryptio n Type, Co nfig Methods, Device
Passwo rd ID, Selected Registrar, State, Versio n, AP Setup Lo cked, UUID-E and RF Bands.
PIN Code: 8 -digit numbers. It is required to enter PIN Code into Registrar using PIN
metho d. Each NIC W ireless has o nly one PIN Code o f Enro llee.
Config M ode: O ur statio n role-playing as an Enro llee o r an external Reg istrar.
W PS Profile List: Display all o f credentials g o t fro m the Reg istrar. List informatio n
includes SSID, MAC address, Authenticatio n and Encryptio n Type. If STA Enro llee,
credentials are created as so o n as each W PS success. If STA Registrar, RaUI creates a
new credential with W PA2 -PSK/ AES/ 6 4 Hex-Key and doesn’t change until next
switching to STA Registrar.
Control items on W PS Profile List:
Detail: Informatio n abo ut Security and Key in the credential
Î Connect: Command to connect to the selected network inside credentials. The
active selected credential is as like as the active selected Pro file.