User's Manual

4 .2 Security Settings
Authentica tion Type: Please select a wireless authenticatio n type yo u wish to use.
Available o ptio ns are O pen, Shared , W PA-PSK, W PA2 -PSK, and W PA-PSK /
W PA2 -PSK . If yo u want to disable wireless data encryptio n, yo u must select O pen’.
Encryption Type: Please select an encryptio n mo de. The available o ptio ns in this
setting item will vary depending o n the authenticatio n type yo u select. If yo u select No t
Use , data will not be encrypted and peo ple with so me netwo rking kno wledg e will be
able to read the data yo u transfer with pro per to o l.
W PA Pre-sha red Key: Please input the W PA pre-shared key here. O nly clients with
the same pre-shared key yo u inputted here will be able to connect to yo ur co mputer. This
setting is o nly available when yo u select one of W PA encryptio ns
Group Rek ey Interva l: You can specify the time interval to re-issue the key to yo ur
wireless clients here. You can click the butto n 1 0 seconds’ o r Kpackets’ to change the
unit of time interval. (every 1 0 seco nds o r a tho usand data packets times the value yo u
specified in G roup Rekey Interval field).
W ep Key: Please input the W EP encryptio n key here when yo u select W EP as
encryptio n type. There are 2 types o f W EP key: Hex (number 0 to 9, and ASCII
characters A to F) and ASCII (all alphanumerical characters plus symbols). Please select
the type o f W EP key first, and then input the W EP key acco rding to the type o f W EP key
yo u selected. If yo u want to use W EP 6 4 bits encryptio n, please input 1 0 characters if
yo u select HEX, o r input 5 characters if yo u select ASCII. If yo u want to use W EP 1 2 8 bits
encryptio n, please input 2 6