Use and Care Manual

IMPORTANT: When finishing your firebox,
Combustible materials such as plywood and
wood framing must have 3/4 -in. clearance to the
sides and top of the firebox. Combustible
materials should never overlap the firebox
front facing. Non-combustible materials such as wall
board, gypsum board, sheet rock may be placed at
0 in. clearance to the sides and top of the firebox.
WARNING: Do not allow any combustible
materials to overlap the firebox front facing.
WARNING: Do not allow combustible or
noncombustible materials to cover any
necessary openings like louvered slots.
WARNING: Never modify or cover the louvered slots on the front of the firebox.
Assembling Hood
CAUTION: Do not operate fireplace without hood in place.
Aim three holes on firebox panel at those on heat insulation board; fix the firebox with screws pre-set on its board by
directly inserting screwdriver into holes on top firebox panel. (Please see Figure 6A )
Aim three holes on firebox panel at those on outer firebox top; fix the firebox with screws pre-set on its board by
directly inserting screwdriver into holes on top firebox panel and insulation board. (Please see Figure 6B )
WARNING: A qualified service person must install firebox. Follow all local codes.
This firebox may be installed using a cabinet mantel accessory against a wall in your home. The firebox and cabinet
mantel can be installed directly on the floor. Follow instructions with mantel for installation.
Figure 5 - Rough Opening for Installing in Corner
Figure 6A For PC32VFC
Figure 6B For PC36VFC