User's Manual

3. Optional. Click Clear to delete all the log information.
To View Intrusion Event Log:
1 . Click Intrusion Event Log on the Log page.
The Intrusion Event Log Table appears, including each intrusion
event entry’s Record Name and Intrusion Type, seen in FIGURE
FIGURE 3-23: Intrusion Event Log Table
2. Optional. Click Refresh to obtain the most current data.
3. Optional. Click Clear to delete all the log information.
To View Wireless Event Log:
1. Click Wireless Event Log on the Log page.
The Session Event Log Table appears, including each wireless
event entry’s Time, Severity and Description, seen in FIGURE 3-
FIGURE 3-24: Wireless Event Log Table
2. Optional. Click Refresh to obtain the most current data.
3. Optional. Click Clear to delete all the log information.
To Disable Access Log on Your Router:
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