User's Manual

Page 47 of 77
Advanced Function
In this chapter you will learn how to use the advanced
administrative func ions tha the Company AP Router provides,
includ ng Virtual Server, Fil ers, IP/URL Block, Special Apps
DMZ Host, MAC Clone, Dynamic DNS, Proxy DNS and SNMP.
t t
i t ,
he Web-based Administration Tool provides you some advanced
services on the Advanced Function navigation bar, such as Filtering
and cloning your MAC addresses.
In most cases, basic functions are Okay. If you want to set the
advanced configuration, you will need to toggle to the Advanced Function
navigation bar first.
To Toggle between Basic Functions and Advanced Functions:
1. To toggle to the Advanced window, click Advanced on the right side
of the Basic window, seen in FIGURE 4-1:
FIGURE 4-1: Advanced Button on the Basic Window
2. Once you are already in the Advanced window, click Basic on the
right side of the Advanced window to return to the Basic Window,
seen in FIGURE 4-2:
FIGURE 4-2: Advanced Button on the Basic Window