User guide

g. Battery replacement
If your battery is no longer working properly and needs replacing, you can contact your local authorized dealer for a
replacement or contact Prodeco Technologies directly. You must first contact by phone, email or in person to
discuss the issue and determine it is the battery. It is very rare for a LiFEPO4 battery to have issues in the first 2
years and there is usually another situation with the bicycle rather than the battery if the bicycle is not powering
properly. The battery is covered for the first 2 years of use, after 2 years a replacement battery can be purchased.
The battery part number and cost can be found in Chapter 11.
h. Battery disposal
The LiFEPO4 battery that comes with your G Plus Genesis is a non-hazardous battery. We do however suggest
recycling the battery and disposing of it by the following means:
Return the battery to your local authorized Prodeco Technologies dealer.
Return the battery directly to Prodeco Technologies.
Dispose of the battery at your local city recycling facility.
Chapter 9: Electrical Components
The G Plus Genesis electric components were developed as maintenance free components with no serviceable
parts. There are 5 components used to power your bicycle. Each component can easily be swapped by anyone
with minimal mechanical skills. The design has been simplified so any neighborhood bicycle shop could service it
without difficulty. Please review the below sections on the electrical components used on your G Plus Genesis and
how to swap the component for a new one. Each electrical component is listed except for the battery which was
detailed in its own Chapter, prior to this Chapter. Each component can also be found on the Parts and components
list in Chapter 11.
a. HUB motor
The HUB motor utilized on your G Plus Genesis is one of the most advanced e-bike HUB motors developed today.
It is a high efficiency, high torque brushless mini motor only weighing 7.5 LBS with a minimal 5” in diameter. The
motor is the same width at 100mm as the standard measurement of most bicycle front hubs. The axle is a 10mm
diameter fixed bolt and is held in place by two 18mm axle bolts with double washers. The front fork has been
specifically designed to hold the 10mm axle in its dropouts. The forks dropouts have safety flanges which are
molded allowing the axle washers to double as safety devices safely holding the motor in place.
The motor offers 250W of power at 36 Volts and peaks at over 375W. The power is sufficient to move the bicycle
and rider on flat surfaces at speeds up to twice what a typical rider pedals. Deep inclines may require pedaling by
the rider to power over the incline. It is highly suggested the rider pedals along with the motor to enhance traveling
distance even on flat surfaces. To obtain the torque needed to pull a rider along, the motor design is considered a
“geared motor”, has a planetary gear system which engages when the motor is powered through a “Hall Effect
Sensor” approach. A “Hall Effect Sensor” motor is powered in 3 stator phases.
A weatherproof connector at the motor connects to the wiring harness to power the motor. This connector is an 8
pin brass connector and designed to withstand the elements. If the motor needs to be replaced, the connector
simply has to be unplugged for the motor to be removed. It is very important the connector is plugged properly or
the motor will not power. There are 2 arrows, one on each end of the connector. Each arrow must align with each
other before plugging the wire harness. There is also a line on the inside connector, the lone must meet the edge of
the outside connector when inserting for the motor to power properly and a strong connection is made.
The motor under warranty is covered as a complete wheel including spokes and rim. If the motor fails, simply
remove the motor as explained in Chapter 6 and send the motor to Prodeco Technologies or the closest Authorized
service center for a replacement. This motor can also be purchased separately. Check Chapter 11: Parts and
Components List for the part number and cost.
b. Brushless hall sensor controller
The motor with the G Plus Genesis requires a specific controller to properly produce the right “Hall Sensor Effect”
as described in the previous section regarding the motor. The controller that comes with your bicycle has been
designed to be easily changed if an issue was to occur. The controller is considered the brains of the bicycle and in
the battery base which is attached to the bicycle. The battery base is the box where the key inserts for the ignition.