User's Guide

ACTIVslateXR User Guide
ACTIVpen Holder
The ACTIVslate is supplied with a holder attached for the ACTIVpen. This
provides a convenient place to store your ACTIVpen when you are not using the
ACTIVslate. Rest the ACTIVpen down horizontally for storage. Or, balance the
ACTIVpen in an upright position so that it is ready for action.
The holder can be removed if it is not required or if it becomes damaged and
needs replacing. Use an Allen key to unscrew the holder.
Charging Socket
Insert the connector from the power supply into the Charging Socket to recharge
the internal battery.
Recharging the battery
Insert the latching connector from the power supply cable into the
ACTIVslate charging socket before plugging it into the mains supply and
applying power.
When sufficient time has elapsed (approx. 3 hours), a message will appear on
the LCD Screen stating 'Charge complete'. Remove the cable from the
ACTIVslate charging socket.
Your ACTIVslate is now ready for use. You can now switch on the ACTIVslate
and start using it.
Note: Recharge the ACTIVslate at least once every 6 months (regardless of use);
otherwise the battery may become permanently ‘unchargeable’.
Charging can only take place between a certain range of temperatures
(5°C and 40°C). If the ACTIVslate has been kept in a cold environment, or
left in direct sunlight and become very warm, the LCD will indicate ‘TEMP
HIGH’ or ‘TEMP LOW’ in place of the ACTIVslate name. Always allow the
ACTIVslate to return to room temperature before attempting to recharge the
If you insert the latching connector into the charging socket and ‘CHRG
FAULT’ appears on the LCD, the ACTIVslate is unserviceable. Contact
Promethean Technical Support for advice.