User's Guide

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ACTIVote User Guide
Importing User Details
A facility exists that will allow you to import database information from other
sources. You must save the information from your other database file in the
form of a comma de-limited file. The file must have the extension .csv in order
for it to be imported. Most database programs have the facility to do this, it is
usually an export feature, consult the documentation that accompanies your
proprietary database for further information. Basically the data will be saved as
a simple text file and each row of data will usually be separated by a comma:
Employee ID,Last Name,First Name,Title, Title of
1,"Davolio","Nancy","Sales Representative","Ms."
2,"Fuller","Andrew","Vice President Sales","Dr."
3,"Leverling","Janet","Sales Representative","Ms"
4,"Peacock","Margaret","Sales Representative","Mrs."
5,"Buchanan","Steven","Sales Manager","Mr."
6,"Suyama","Michael","Sales Representative","Mr."
7,"King","Robert","Sales Representative","Mr."
8,"Callahan","Laura","Inside Sales Coordinator","Ms."
9,"Dodsworth","Anne","Sales Representative","Ms."
In the case of this example csv file, the first row contains the field names. Each
field of information is separated by a comma. The field names may or may not
match the fixed ones in the User Database, it is not essential that they match
since you are given the opportunity to map the User Database field name to
your imported data.
1. Create your csv text file from your proprietary database program.
Ensure that you save it with the filename extension .csv. If your
database does not allow you to do this you may rename the file within
Windows Explorer (a file management utility of the Windows operating
system, consult your windows documentation for further details). Also
ensure that you use a comma as the separator if given a choice.
2. Within the User database program click on File > Import. You will be
presented with the Import comma-delimited file dialog. Browse your
system to locate the csv file you wish to import.
3. Click on the CSV file you require then click the Open button. You will be
presented with the CSV Import dialog: