User's Guide

Table Of Contents
ACTIVote User Guide
Exporting ACTIVote Results to Excel
You can export the results in the current Flipchart to Excel.
Having conducted your ACTIVote session:
In ACTIVstudio, click on Menu > Flipchart > Export > ACTIVote Results >
XLS (Excel)
In ACTIVprimary, click on Teacher Tools Menu button > Menu > ACTIVote
> Export Results to Excel.
An Excel worksheet will be generated that contains the overall results
summary. If you wish to save the Excel worksheet use the File, Save routine of
the Excel program.
ACTIVote Options
There are several options that you can alter, that effect the way the ACTIVote
system works:
To access the ACTIVote options:
Click on Menu > ACTIVote > Settings...
Note: If you are running ACTIVprimary, first click on the Teacher Tools
Menu button so you can access Menu > ACTIVote > Settings.
The ACTIVote settings allow you to define options for setting up and voting
with the ACTIVote system.
Display results
You may elect to have the graph automatically display after all responses are
received. If you choose not to display the graph, but then decide you would
like to see it, right click on the Flipchart page and select ACTIVote > Results,
or ACTIVote Results if you are using ACTIVprimary, to view them.
Automatic page advance
Check this option if you the page to be turned automatically after receiving
answers when using a Question Flipchart. This would be a useful option if you
require to give your audience a timed question paper. Use this in association
with the timeout setting of each question.
ACTIVote User Database
Displays the location of the User Database used by the ACTIVote program.
Click on the Browse button to select another database.