Product manual

Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
2. Click the Background Activities icon.
The list of background appears.
3. Click the Scheduler button.
The list of currently scheduled background activities appears.
Adding a Scheduled Background Activity
To add a new scheduled background activity:
1. Click the AdminTool tab.
2. Click the Background Activities icon.
The list of background appears.
3. Click the Scheduler button.
The list of currently scheduled background act it viti es appears.
4. Click the Add Schedule button.
5. Check the Enable Media Patrol box to enable, uncheck to disable.
This settings enables or disables Media Patrol for your entire RAID system.
6. Click the Confirm button.
7. Choose the option for the activity you want:
Media Patrol
Redundancy Check
•Spare Check
Battery Recondition
8. Choose a Start Time from the dropdown menus.
The menus have a 24-hour clock.
9. Choose a Recurrence Pattern option, daily, weekly, or monthly.
For the Daily option, enter an interval in the Every field.
For the Weekly option, enter an interval in the Every field and choose
one or more days of the week.
For the Monthly option, choose,
Day of the Month option then choose a number from the dropdown
The day of the week option then choose the day of the month from
the dropdown menus.
10. Choose a Start From date from the dropdown menus.
11. Choose an End On option,
No end date or perpetual.
End after a specific number of activity actions.