Product manual

VTrak E-Class Product Manual
3. Mouse-over the CIM service and click the Start button.
Restarting CIM Service
To restart the CIM service:
1. Click the AdminTool tab.
2. Click the Services icon.
3. Mouse-over the CIM service and click the Restart button.
Making CIM Settings
To change CIM service settings:
1. Click the AdminTool tab.
2. Click the Services icon.
3. Mouse-over the CIM service and click the Settings button.
4. Make settings changes as required:
Choose a startup type,
Automatic – (default) Starts and runs with the subsystem.
Manual – You start the service when you need it.
CIM HTTP Enabled – Default is Yes.
CIM HTTP Port number – Default is 5988.
CIM HTTPS Enabled – Default is No.
CIM HTTPS Port number – Default is 5989.
CIM Authentication – Default is No.
When CIM Authentication is Yes, these fields appear,
Change Password – Default is No.
CIM User Name – Default is cim. No changes are possible.
When Change Password is Yes, these fields appear,
Old User Password
New User Password
Retype (new user) Password
5. Click the Save button.
6. Click the Confirm button.
Netsend Service
Netsend service sends RAID subsystem events in the form of text messages to
the Host PC and other networked PCs configured to receive Netsend event
messages by setting up Netsend server accounts.