Product manual

Chapter 9: Support
User Management
Why can’t I create a new User?
Only the Administrator or a Super User can create a User.
If you are the Administrator or a Super User and cannot create a User, be
sure the user name is not already in use.
If you still cannot create a User, contact Technical Support. See page 351.
Can I change my access rights?
Only the Administrator or a Super User can change user access rights. See
page 85 or page 218.
Person “xyz” set the lock and is not available. How do I unlock it?
Ask your Administrator to release the lock.
Note: The lock automatically releases after the set amount of time has
Creating a Disk Array or Logical Drive
Why can’t I see all RAID Levels in RAID Level dropdown menu?
The selection of RAID Levels shown depends on number of physical drives
available to the controller. For example, if there are only two physical drives,
then you cannot see RAID 10, which requires four physical drives or RAID
50 that requires at least six. See “RAID Levels” on page 261.
Why can’t I create more than one logical drive on my disk array?
If your logical drive takes up the entire capacity of the disk array, there is no
room for another logical drive. Backup your important data, then delete the
existing logical drive and create multiple smaller logical drives on the disk
array. See “Deleting a Logical Drive” on page 136 or page 192 and “Creating
a Logical Drive Manually” on page 135 or page 190.
Disk Array Degraded
According to WebPAM PROe, my disk array is degraded. What am I
supposed to do?
If the Auto Rebuild option is enabled and a hot spare drive is available, your
disk array begins rebuilding automatically. Also see “Disk Array Degraded/
Logical Drive Critical” on page 317.
When an disk array becomes degraded, can I still access the data on it?
Yes, but reads and writes take longer while rebuilding is in progress.