Product manual

Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
Perusing the Interface
The WebPAM PROe interface consists of a header and four tabs, each with
specific functions.
Top left corner of the window:
Name of logged-in user
IP address – Virtual IP address of the RAID subsystem
•Top right corner of the window
Save Service Report – Gathers information and saves a detailed report
to your Host PC
Help – Accesses the Help Welcome screen
Contact Us – Technical support contact information
About – Information about WebPAM PROe
Discovery tab
Displays other RAID systems on your network
Enables direct login to other RAID systems
Dashboard tab
RAID subsystem
System status
Event information
System overview
Device tab
Enclosure front and back views
Enclosure component list and settings
Physical drive management
UPS (unlimited power supply) management
Storage tab
Wizard – Automatic, Express, or Advanced configuration
Disk array management
Logical drive management