Product manual

VTrak E-Class Product Manual
When you rebuild a disk array, you are actually rebuilding the data on one
physical drive.
When a physical drive in a disk array fails and a spare drive of adequate
capacity is available, the disk array begins to rebuild automatically using the
spare drive.
If there is no spare drive of adequate capacity, but the Auto Rebuild function
is ENABLED, the disk array begins to rebuild automatically as soon as you
remove the failed physical drive and install an unconfigured physical drive in
the same slot. See “Making Rebuild Settings” on page 120.
If there is no spare drive of adequate capacity and the Auto Rebuild function
is DISABLED, you must replace the failed drive with an unconfigured
physical drive, then perform a Manual Rebuild.
See “Rebuilding a Disk Array” on page 160 and page 402 and “Spare Drives” on
page 355.
Also see “Disk Array Degraded/Logical Drive Critical” on page 400 and “Disk
Array Offline/Logical Drive Offline” on page 401.
Making Rebuild Settings
1. Click the Administration tab.
2. Click the Background Activities icon.
The list of background activities appears.
3. Click the Settings button.
4. Click the Rebuild Rate dropdown menu and choose a rate:
Low – Fewer system resources to the Rebuild, more to data read/write
Medium – Balances system resources between the Rebuild and data
read/write operations.
High – More system resources to the Rebuild, fewer to data read/write
5. Check the Enable Auto Rebuild box to enable Auto Rebuild (rebuilds when
you swap out the failed drive with a new one).
6. Click the Confirm button.
The term “Migration” means either or both of the following:
Change the RAID level of a logical drive.
Expand the storage capacity of a logical drive.