Product manual

VTrak E-Class Product Manual
Viewing iSCSI iSNS Information
Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a protocol used to facilitate the
automated discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI and Fibre
Channel devices on a TCP/IP network.
To view iSNS information:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight iSCSI Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight iSCSI iSNS Options and press Enter.
The current iSNS options appear. Information includes:
iSNS – Enabled or disabled
iSNSIPAddress – IP address of the iSNS server
iSNSPort – iSNS port number (1 to 65535) 3205 is the default and
recommended number
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are adjustable under “Making iSCSI Portal
Settings” on page 265.
Making iSCSI iSNS Settings
To make iSNS settings:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight iSCSI Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight iSCSI iSNS Options and press Enter.
The current iSNS options appear.
3. Highlight iSNS Settings and press Enter.
4. Highlight iSNS and press the Spacebar to toggle between Enable and
5. If you chose Enable:
Enter an IP address.
Enter a Port number. 3205 is the default and recommended number.
To change a value, highlight the item, press Backspace to delete the current
value and type a new value.
6. Highlight Save Settings and press Enter.
7. Press Y to acknowledge possible interruption of iSCSI services.
8. Press Y again to confirm the changes.
9. Highlight Return to Previous Menu and press Enter to return to the portal
Viewing a List of iSCSI CHAPs
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an authentication
mechanism used to authenticate iSCSI sessions between initiators and targets.